About Carlos Mart? Ballester

After many years collecting flamenco 78 rpm records and phonograph cylinders, I set up carlosmb 78 rpm Records & Cylinders in 2000. My goal since then has been to distribute all the items that are not part of my personal collection, especially the ones that were produced in Spain. Since then, many thousand 78 rpm records have been sold worldwide.

My personal collection is still growing with those flamenco recordings that are still missing in my collection. I consider that every collection should always be evolving by acquiring new items and developing all the measures that need to be implemented to increase its quality.

If you own any flamenco 78 rpm records and you are considering to sell them, please contact me. I could be interested in them, if so you will receive an excellent offer. Even more if you own phonograph cylinders. In this flamenco singers list you will find some of the flamenco singers which recordings I am looking for (in red the ones I am mostly interested in), if you own a recording of any of these singers, please contact me. Finally, if you are not accustomed to flamenco, please note that the records are usually sung with guitar accompaniment. In this flamenco songs list you will find the titles that usually are present in any flamenco 78 rpm record or cylinder.

Another of my activities is to prepare a discography of all the recordings that were released in both formats in Spain. I began this project in 1995, as I always considered that this is indispensable for the better understanding of flamenco music. I only use information sources of the highest possible quality: the records themselves and the original documentation from the past.

Finally, I also organize different activities related to flamenco. As President of the Círculo Flamenco de Madrid, and with the Board of Directors and other members, we promote high quality flamenco activities in Madrid.

All contents in this website including website design, images, text, photos and all other information are the property of carlosmb.
If you would like to use any of this information, feel free to do so, but please mention the source. Thank you.

This website and its owners and representatives follow a strict data protection policy as required by the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.

Toda información presente en esta página es propiedad del autor. Si tiene intención de usar algún texto o información, no tenemos la más mínima objeción,
siempre que se cite la procedencia de los mismos. Muchas gracias.

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Aspectos Legales  /  Legal Aspects

Carlos Martín Ballester, propietario de carlosmb,
es socio de AEDOM
(Asociación Española de Documentación Musical)

Carlos Martín Ballester, owner of carlosmb,
is member of the AEDOM
(Asociación Española de Documentación Musical)
Carlos Martín Ballester, propietario de carlosmb,
es Socio Mantenedor de la ARSC
(Association for Recorded Sound Collections)

Carlos Martín Ballester, owner of carlosmb,
is a Sustaining Member of the ARSC
(Association for Recorded Sound Collections)